My NWoC (NJACK Winter of Code) 2018 Experience

Rounak Agarwal
3 min readJan 30, 2019
NWoC 2018

About NWoC

NJACK Winter of Code is an initiative by Open Source Department of NJACK, IIT Patna to help students understand the paradigm of Open Source contributions, to get them involved during the winter vacations and give them real-world development experience.

Project Selection

NWoC 2018 had over 40 projects to work upon. They had projects ranging from web development to Machine Learning. I mainly contributed to 2 projects - IMDB_Portal and HackerRank-Test-Case-Generator.

IMDB_Portal is a utility tool to check out movies information and ratings. My mentor for this project was Akshat Garg.

HackerRank Test Case Generator helps to generate Test Cases for HackerRank Problems in one click. My mentor for this project was Aashutosh Rathi.

My Progress

I was already familiar with the workflow of Git having worked on some open source projects in Hacktoberfest. So, I forked the repositories, cloned them and dived right into my first issues.

My 1st issue in IMDB_Portal was to make the codebase PEP8 compliant and name the variables with meaningful names. I submitted a PR#19 for that but while rebasing I accidentally closed it 😑. This mistake, in turn, taught me a lot about rebasing Pull Requests. So, I submitted a new PR#23 which eventually got merged.

My next issue in IMDB_Portal was to add a .gitignore file. This was the first time I added a .gitignore file to any project. I came to know the importance of it and submitted a PR#26 for the same.

I also opened many issues and created pull requests for them. The total list of issues opened by me in IMDB_Portal can be found here:

My first issue in HackerRank Test Case Generator was to compile all language support in one python file(for both Python2 and Python3). I created a PR#8 for that. My subsequent issues were to merge Python2 and Python3 modules into one, minimize the issue template, etc.

Here is a list of all the pull requests created by me in HackerRank Test Case Generator:

I also worked on a project online_leave_management_iitp which is an online leave management system for the students of IIT Patna. I submitted 2 pull requests — PR#15 and PR#19 — which got merged.

Final leaderboard

Yay 😃

Wrapping Up

NWoC was quite a good learning experience for me. I learned a lot about the BeautifulSoup module and requests module of Python, issue and pull request templates, standard .gitignore files, etc. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my mentors Aashutosh Rathi and Akshat Garg for helping me out in every possible manner. I would also like to thank the people at Open Source Department of NJACK, IIT Patna for organising this event.

Here is a link to the certificate I earned for my contributions:

Keep contributing to Open Source. Adios!

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Rounak Agarwal

Developer | Open Source Contributor | Quizzer | Loves to convert Ideas into Code | Github profile: